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How to Testify on a Bill at the Capitol.

Watch the video below to learn  how to come to the Capitol and testify on a bill.

Bill Testimony

Bill Testimony

I have been very grateful to be able to represent HD30 and Colorado as a member of the following Legislative Committees:

Public Healthcare and Human Services Committee

The House Public Health Care and Human Services Committee considers matters concerning state health care programs and social services.

The committee also has legislative oversight responsibility for the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing and the Department of Human Services.

For the House and Human Services Committee’s upcoming Schedule, Documents, Members, Committee Activity and more click:


The House Education Committee considers matters concerning K-12 public schools, including public school accountability and school finance; and higher education, including administration and governance, tuition, and financial assistance. In addition, the committee has legislative oversight responsibility for the departments of Education and Higher Education.

For the Education Committee’s upcoming Schedule, Documents, Members, Committee Activity and more click: